Name: Pup Pup Personality: Silly
Age: 2 and a ¼ yrs old Good Habit: having fun
Address: 496 Pup Queen st Cute Puppys city
Bad Habit: Chasing the neighbour's cat
Family: I have 2 sisters and 1 brother
One day in a far away House where I lived in the county. I had a bad habit, about 8 kilometers away were our neighbours lived well they had a cat. One night I couldn't go to sleep I kept thinking of that cat so at the dead of night I sneaked out of my puppy house and ran 8 kilometers to our neighbours house and there was the cat looking at me in the eye. It was if she sensed I was coming and then SCRATCH!!!! “OOOOOWWWWWRRRRRRR!!!!!” The neighbours had woken up and were heading towards me “You bliming dog get out of here” said the man so I ran and ran and ran back to my doggy house and soon fell asleep. In the morning I heard a car then the door of my house open after a while my owner came to my doggy house and said “No dinner tonight.” But after all it wasn't my fault. I got no dinner for nothing it was all the neighbours cats fault. The cat was the one that bit me and made me yell.