Howard Street
May 24th 2017
Dear Steven Universe
Thank you for coming to camp and giving up your time to help us at camp. I had lots of fun and i hope you did too. If you and the other parents didn’t come we probably wouldn’t be able to go to camp so thank you for coming to camp.
I enjoyed the caves the most because it was fun squeezing through one of the tunnels and shuffling across a wall in another. I’ll admit the one cave i didn’t really like was the weta cave. The reason i shuffled across the wall was because i didn’t want to walk in the mud/bat poo.
Another thing I really enjoyed was Thursday night when you crouched down and scuttled along the floor. When I heard galloping outside I freaked out and yelled GO AWAY MICHAEL NOONAN!! That was the funniest night at camp I had ever had.
One last thing i really liked at camp was kayaking. It was really fun because Jae-Bea splashed me and Ceanahlee so we started splashing other people including you. When we got back me and Jada heard that we were aloud to jump in the lake. Ceanahlee and Alize went first then i didn’t want to do it but Jada grabbed my hand and we jumped in It was freezing and deep. When we got back we were soaked.
Did you know that A huge landslide dam around 250 meters high formed lake waikaremoana 2,200 years ago
Your Sincerely